Physiotherapy for Covid 19 Coronavirus.

Many patients will only experience minor symptoms such as a temperature, cough, loss of smell (anosmia) and will have a mild or uncomplicated illness.Currently, approximately 15% of patients will require some form of oxygen therapy and 5% will require Intensive Care Therapy.

Physiotherapists are involved from hospital admission, to intensive care, rehabilitation wards, and into the community. 

Respiratory Physiotherapy can help.

It will help regain muscle strength, fitness, and exercise tolerance. It may be necessary to teach airway clearance techniques to help clear sputum from the chest. It can include techniques to help increase lung volume. Advice about coping with physical activity is available, for both muscle weakness and breathlessness.

Long Covid

A number of patients continue to experience a wide variety of symptoms for some time. This includes those who have never been hospitalised.

Symptoms include: fatigue, breathlessness, chest pain, anxiety, racing heart, palpitations, heavy or tight chest, headache, muscle aches/pains and weakness,  trouble sleeping, hair loss, bruising, depression, amongst many others. 

Respiratory Physiotherapy can help.

It is essential not to over exercise, even when you're having a good day. Graded exercise programmes are not advised.

  • Pace yourself -  spread out activities during the day
  • Plan - work out when you will have an activity or appointment and when you can rest
  • Prioritise - if it doesn't need doing, don't do it!
  • Rest - learn how rest effectively, ask your physio for more information.

Breathing: breathing pattern disorders, chest pain, breathlessness, being unable to take a deep breath are all symptoms of Long Covid. Breath work can also help with over-stimulation of the nervous system.


Appointments are available to patients: they can be done online, or as a home visit.

We have appropriate PPE as recommended by NHS England.

We are extremely experienced in managing COVID patients and have spent time on the frontline in ICU and the recovery wards